Words are the building blocks of language. Hearing your child’s first word is magical. It begins a new phase for you and your child: gigantic leaps in communication and vocabulary. You’ll quickly realize that your child’s vocabulary is linked with your own.
During a normal day, most adults use about 5,000 words, even though most have a vocabulary of about 20,000-35,000 words. One of the easiest ways to share new words is by reading together. Kids who are read to regularly hear more unique words then the ones we use every day. Talking, singing, and playing with your child also increases their knowledge of words. And never hesitate to stop and explain a new word. When children have big vocabularies, they tend to find it easier to learn to read because they’re already familiar with thousands of words.
So, we challenge you to share a love of words with your child. Sing some funny rhyming songs, recite nursery rhymes, play with toys, go on errands, build a fort for reading books, prepare a meal together – you’ll be surprised how many words your child will learn by spending time with you.