- Psychosocial Effects of Parent-Child Book Reading Interventions: A Meta-analysis – Reading programs may teach parents and kids more than literacy.
- Your Baby is Smarter Than You Think
- Back-and-Forth Exchanges Boost Children’s Brain Response to Language – Study finds engaging young children in conversation is more important for brain development than “dumping words” on them.
- Alaska State Literacy Blueprint – This includes a section with information to support the language and literacy development of children, birth to Kindergarten . Areas include oral language & vocabulary, print awareness, letter knowledge & sounds, and more. The blueprint is useful for both parents and early childhood educators.
Imagination Library Evaluation
Various evaluations across the United States have shown participation in Imagination Library positively influences a child’s readiness to learn and read. Studies and surveys conducted in Alaska have affirmed the impact of the program.
Alaska Results
Families with children enrolled in Imagination Library in Alaska, are reading together more, feel closer together, are seen as better prepared for kindergarten, and more.
- Encouraging Early Literacy in Alaska: An Evaluation of the Imagination Library Program (2021): Summary | Full Report
- Imagination Library Alaska Parent Survey (2018)
- Imagination Library Alaska Parent Survey (2017)
- Second Year Evaluation: Imagination Library Alaska (2011)
- First Year Evaluation: Imagination Library Alaska (2009)
National and International Results